Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Ensing, Riemke

[Photograph: James Ensing-Trussell]

Riemke Ensing (b. 1939)


Classic New Zealand Poets in Performance (2006):

Morning Glory
Love Affair
T’ai Chi

Aotearoa NZ Poetry Sound Archive (2004):


1. Morning Glory
2. Love Affair
3. Another Exile Paints a Spring Portrait of Katherine Mansfield
4. Blood Falls
5. Day of Remembrance: The Ancestors
6. Finding the Ancestors
7. from: In Camera [11]
8. from: Poems for China [T'ai Chi]
9. Crossings
10. War – Childhood
11. Shoah
12. Transport
13. Parables with a Four-Coloured Bowl...
14. The Painter's Studio at Tarawera
15. Tarawera: Wairua (essence)
16. Birds Passing the Night
17. Te Maunga Tapu
18. War – Biography
19. Life
20. Schierbeek boven Howick

[Photograph: Simone Oettli (c. 1975)]

Waiata Archive (1974):

CD 11

Moon Myth
House & Garden
A Pleasant Enough Fairytale & Why Not?
Two Poems on Samuel Beckett:
Broken Flowers & a Torn Rainbow
Kite Flying with Words
Some Moon Poems I
Some Moon Poems II
Some Moon Poems III
Some Moon Poems IV

12 Taonga from the AoNZPSA (nzepc, 2004):

War - Childhood

Bio /Bibliography:

Riemke Ensing was born in Groningen, The Netherlands, in 1939. With her parents she immigrated to New Zealand at the age of twelve in 1951. At this stage of her life she spoke no English. She went to school first in Dargaville, then to Ardmore Teachers' Training College, after which she taught for two years, returning to the College to lecture in English literature for a year. She again became a fulltime student and on graduating M.A.(Hons) in 1967, was appointed to a position in Literature in the English Department at the University of Auckland,where she taught till 1999 when she took early retirement. She has since been appointed an Honorary Research Fellow (Faculty of Arts) and in 2002 was a Buddle Findlay Sargeson Fellow .

In 1977 Riemke Ensing edited the pioneering anthology of New Zealand Women Poets – Private Gardens. Since then her work has been published extensively in numerous publications and appears in many anthologies (both in New Zealand and overseas), including, among others, The Twentieth Century Anthology of New Zealand Poetry, The Penguin Book of Contemporary New Zealand Poetry, The Oxford Anthology of New Zealand Poetry , 15 Contemporary New Zealand Poets, Big Smoke, Essential New Zealand Poems , The Visionary, Below the Surface – words and images in protest at French testing on Mururoa, Kiwi and Emu (Australia), New Directions, (USA), Zo Rende ik uit het Woord (Netherlands), Whales (Canada), and Earth Against Heaven – a Tiananmen Square Anthology (Australia) . Her poetry has been broadcast on radio and television. Some of her poems have been translated into other languages, including Dutch, German, Japanese and Chinese.

Riemke Ensing's most recent collection of poetry, Talking Pictures – Selected Poems, (HeadworX, 2000) is her tenth volume. She has also written extensively about the visual arts, including a catalogue entitled Stanley Palmer – Poor Knights. She has read her work throughout New Zealand, having been invited to participate in most major literary events for many years and has read as guest in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, London, Amsterdam and on such occasions as Singapore Writers' Week (1993), The Commonwealth Writers' Conference in Edinburgh (1986), The PEN Conference in Hamburg (1986) and in Kuala Lumpur and other parts of Malaysia (2000) for the 8th World Poetry Reading Festival.

Riemke Ensing has been a recipient of writing grants from Creative New Zealand and has won a number of recognitions for poetry competitions in New Zealand, America and Australia. Entries on her several contributions appear (among others) in New Zealand's Who's Who, The Oxford Companion to New Zealand Literature (Robinson & Wattie, 1999) and The Cambridge Guide to Women's Writing in English (ed.Sage, 1999).


Private Gardens – an anthology of New Zealand Women Poets, Caveman Press, Dunedin, 1977.
Poetry NZ 5, Brick Row Publishers, Auckland, 1992.
Gloria in Excelsis – a selection of poems by Gloria Rawlinson – in celebration, The Pear Tree Press, Auckland, 1995.


Making Inroads – Invocation for the New Zealand Women's Convention, Hamilton, 1979, Coal Black Press, Auckland, 1980
Letters , The Lowry Press, University of Auckland, 1982
Topographies , (graphics by Nigel Brown) Prometheus Press, Auckland, 1984
Spells from Chagall, The Griffin Press, Panmure, Auckland, 1987
The K.M. File and Other Poems with Katherine Mansfield, Hazard Press, Christchurch, Melbourne, 1993.
Like I Have Seen The Dark Green Ladder Climbing, The Pear Tree Press, Auckland, 1995
Dear Mr. Sargeson..., Cape Catley, Whatamango Bay, Queen Charlotte Sound, 1995
Finding the Ancestors – poems to celebrate the occasion of the first Dutch Language and Culture Conference of its kind in New Zealand, Pear Tree Press, Auckland, May 1999.
Tarawera Te Maunga Tapu , The Pear Tree Press, Auckland, 1999.
Talking Pictures – Selected Poems, HeadworX, Wellington, 2000


Stanley Palmer: Poor Knights – a catalogue published in association with the exhibition organized by the Fisher Gallery, Pakuranga, Manukau City, 1992.

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