Monday, December 3, 2007


Dr Jack Ross & Jan Riemenschneider Kemp
[AoNZPSA Launch, Gus Fisher Gallery (17 July, 2004)]

NB: The bio/bibliographical information on this site was compiled between 2002 and 2004. Many of the details recorded here are therefore significantly out of date. If you would like to email me with additions and emendations, I will be happy to post them. Alternatively, you can record new information as comments at the bottom of your page.

We'd also like to add full photographic credits to any as-yet-unattributed images on the site. If you have information about these, we'd be very pleased to hear from you.

– Dr Jack Ross

Jack Ross & Jan Kemp
[Old Government House, Auckland (9 May, 2024)]


Preface [2007]

Introduction [2004]

Poets (A-Z) :

A [6]

Fleur Adcock – [1974/LP & 2004/2006]
Rob Allan – [2004]
Julia Allen – [2004 & Taonga]
K. O. Arvidson – [1974/LP & 2004]
Nick Ascroft – [2004/2008]
Tusiata Avia – [2004/2008]

B [20]

Stu Bagby – [2004]
Serie Barford – [2004/2008]
Caroline Barnes – [2004]
Jennifer Barrer – [2004]
Helen Bascand – [2004]
James K. Baxter – [1974/LP & 2006]
Arthur Baysting – [1974/LP]
Jeanne Bernhardt – [2004]
Claire Beynon – [2004]
Graham Bishop – [2004]
Peter Bland – [2004/2006]
Jenny Bornholdt – [2004/2008]
Charles Brasch – [1974/LP & 2006]
Erick Brenstrum – [1974 & 2004]
Diana Bridge – [2004]
Bernard Brown – [2004/2008]
Diane Brown – [2004]
James Brown – [2004]
Alan Brunton – [1974/LP & 2004/2007]
Owen Bullock – [2004]

C [15]

Kate Camp – [2008]
Alistair Te Ariki Campbell – [1974/LP & 2004/2006 & Taonga]
Meg Campbell – [2004]
John Caselberg – [2004]
Tony Chad – [2004]
David Chan – [2004]
Jill Chan – [2004]
Lynda Chanwai-Earle – [2004/2008 & Taonga]
Janet Charman – [2004/2007]
Geoff Cochrane – [2004/2007]
Glenn Colquhoun – [2008]
Kay McKenzie Cooke – [2004]
James Moeroa Cummings – [2004]
Allen Curnow – [1974/LP & 2004/2006]
Wystan Curnow – [2004]

D [9]

Peter Dane – [1974 & 2004]
Lynn Davidson – [2004]
Leigh Davis – [2004]
Stephanie de Montalk – [2004/2007]
John Dickson – [2004]
John Dolan – [2004]
Lee Dowrick – [2004]
Mike Doyle – [1974/LP]
Grant Duncan – [2004]

E [5]

Michael Eager – [2004]
Lauris Edmond – [1974 & 2004/2006]
Murray Edmond – [2004/2007]
David Eggleton – [2004/2007]
Riemke Ensing – [1974 & 2004/2006 & Taonga]

F [8]

A. R. D. Fairburn – [1974/LP & 2006]
Fiona Farrell – [2004/2007]
Glenda Fawkes – [2004]
Sue Fitchett – [2004]
Lindsay Forbes – [2004]
Janet Frame – [1974/LP & 2004/2006 & Taonga]
Anne French – [2007]
Robin Fry – [2004]

G [9]

Bernard Gadd – [2004]
Kathleen Gallagher – [2004]
Jane Gardner – [2004]
John Geraets – [2004]
Ruth Gilbert – [1974]
Denis Glover – [1974/LP & 2006]
Paula Green – [2004/2007]
Tony Green – [2004]
David Gregory – [2004]

H [13]

Isabel Haarhaus – [2004]
Russell Haley – [1974/LP]
Bernadette Hall – [2004/2007]
Michael Harlow – [2004/2006]
Jeffrey Harpeng – [2004]
Judith Haswell – [2004]
Dinah Hawken – [2004]
Peter Hooper – [1974/LP]
Ingrid Horrocks – [2004]
David Howard – [2004/2008]
Keri Hulme – [2007]
Sam Hunt – [1974/LP & 2004/2007]
Jan Hutchison – [2004]

I [2]

Kevin Ireland – [1974/LP & 2004/2006]
Elizabeth Isichei – [2004]

J [11]

Rob Jackaman – [2004 & Taonga]
Anna Jackson – [2004/2008]
Michael Jackson – [1974/LP & 2004/2006]
Helen Jacobs – [2004]
Adrienne Jansen – [2004]
Louis Johnson – [2006]
Mike Johnson – [2004]
Andrew Johnston – [2008]
Tim Jones – [2004]
M. K. Joseph – [1974/LP & 2006]
Vivienne Joseph – [2004]

K [7]

Kapka Kassabova – [2004/2008]
Brigid Kelly – [2004]
Jan Kemp – [1974/LP & 2004/2007]
Scott Kendrick – [2004]
Anne Kennedy – [2004/2008]
Julie Kennedy – [2004]
Koenraad Kuiper – [2004]

L [9]

Jack Lasenby – [1974/LP]
Michele Leggott – [2004/2007]
Julie Leibrich – [2004]
Graham Lindsay – [2004/2007]
Dennis List – [1974]
Thérèse Lloyd – [2008]
Terry Locke – [2004]
Alan Loney – [1974/LP]
D. S. Long – [1974/LP]

M [21]

Olivia Macassey – [2004/2008 & Taonga]
Carl Mair – [2004]
Bill Manhire – [1974/LP & 2004/2007]
R. A. K. Mason – [1974/LP & 2006]
Larry Matthews – [2004]
Rachel McAlpine – [2004]
Dave McBride – [1974]
Gary McCormick – [2004]
Frankie McMillan – [2004]
Judith McNeil – [2004]
Heather McPherson – [2004]
Cilla McQueen – [2004/2007]
Harvey McQueen – [2004]
Gerald J. Melling – [1974/LP & 2004]
Rosemary Menzies – [2004]
Luke Milner – [2004]
Barry Mitcalfe – [1974/LP]
David Mitchell – [1974/LP & 2006]
Michael Morrissey – [2004]
Martha Morseth – [2004]
Eric Mould – [2004]

N [3]

Emma Neale – [2004/2008]
John Newton – [2004/2008]
James Norcliffe – [2004/2007]

O [10]

Gregory O’Brien – [2004/2008]
John O'Connor – [2004]
David Ogle – [2004]
Peter Olds – [2004/2007]
Michael O'Leary – [2004]
Victor O’Leary – [1974]
Stephen Oliver – [2004]
W. H. Oliver – [2004]
Bob Orr – [1974/LP & 2004/2007]
Vincent O’Sullivan – [1974/LP & 2004/2006]

P [8]

Alistair Paterson – [1974/LP & 2004/2006]
Mark Pirie – [2004/2008]
Vivienne Plumb – [2004/2007]
Roma Potiki – [2004/2007]
Jenny Powell-Chalmers – [2004/2008 & Taonga]
Joanna Preston – [2004]
Chris Price – [2004/2008]
John Pule – [2004/2008]

Q [1]

Sarah Quigley – [2004/2008]

R [11]

Gloria Rawlinson – [1974/LP]
Blair Reeve – [2004]
Richard Reeve – [2004/2008]
Trevor Reeves – [1974/LP & 2004]
Helen Rickerby – [2004]
Harry Ricketts – [2004]
Ron Riddell – [2004]
Lorraine Ritchie – [2004]
Matthew Robertson – [2004]
Alan Roddick – [1974/LP]
Jack Ross – [2004/2008]

S [17]

L. E. Scott – [2004 & Taonga]
Bill Sewell – [2004/2007 & Taonga]
Iain Sharp – [2004/2007]
Peb Simmons – [2004]
Jane Simpson – [2004]
Keith Sinclair – [1974/LP & 2006]
Tracey Slaughter – [2004/2008]
Elizabeth Smither – [2004/2006]
Kendrick Smithyman – [1974/LP & 2004/2006]
Barry Southam – [1974/LP & 2004]
Anne Spivey – [1974]
Alex Staines – [2004]
C. K. Stead – [1974/LP & 2004/2006]
Olwyn Stewart – [2004]
Barbara Strang – [2004]
Mike Subritzky – [2004]
Robert Sullivan – [2004/2008]

T [4]

Apirana Taylor – [2004/2007 & Taonga]
Denys Trussell – [2004]
Brian Turner – [1974 & 2004/2006]
Hone Tuwhare – [2004/2006]

V [1]

Richard von Sturmer – [2004/2007 & Taonga]

W [11]

Raymond Ward – [1974/LP]
Ian Wedde – [1974/LP & 2004/2007]
Albert Wendt – [1974/LP & 2004/2006]
Virginia Were – [2004]
Tom Weston – [2004]
Pat White – [2004]
Wensley Willcox – [2004]
Nick Williamson – [2004]
Alison Wong – [2004]
Briar Wood – [2004]
Matthew David Wood – [2004]

Y [2]

Sonja Yelich – [2004/2008]
Mark Young – [1974]

[203 poets in all:
171 from the AoNZPSA [2004];
25 from the Waiata Archive [1974];
(27 are included in both archives);
& 7 from the Poets in Performance Series (AUP, 2006-8)]


New NZ Poets in Performance (AUP, 2008)
Contemporary NZ Poets in Performance (AUP, 2007)
Classic NZ Poets in Performance (AUP, 2006)
NZ Poets Read Their Work (Waiata Records, 1974)


Waiata Recordings Archive – CDs 1-27
Aotearoa New Zealand Poetry Sound Archive – CDs 1-40

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